Sample Degrades when assigned to a pad

Hi All

I just sampled some drums off of a record (vinyl) and in the sample wav screen, the sample sounds clear and full. However, when I assign it to a pad (ie A1, B1 etct etc) the quality is degraded quite badly.

All of my settings in the track are neutral, I tried using the sample in a new project, and it still does this.

Only thing I can think of is perhaps I am running out of storage on my SD card and its compensating?

Anyone experience this?

Change from classic to hifi in the pad settings.

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Setting is already hifi as my default.

The quality is only degraded after assigng to a track correct? When you preview samples from the file browser they sound fine?

If that is the case it has to be a parameter in track settings throwing it off.

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If the sample is stereo have you tried panning the left/right output channels in the “Pan” menu? You might be hearing the sample stereo image collapsed to mono depending on your routing/machine settings.


So, it seems the problem goes a bit deeper than I suspected - I double checked and I am input monitoring in stereo, so when my turntable is playing through the machine, it sounds fine. As soon as I put it in “sample” mode, the quality and volume decrease. I am not sure what settings I should be reviewing to adjust this?

Even more oddly, I was sampling and making beats fine up until this point (20 projects in).

So when you go into sample mode you will see a separate settings menu from the one in the input monitor mode. You can change the monitor mode from the sample menu by navigating to where it says something like (stereo, L+R Mixed, Right or Left). Next to that there’s an input gain multiplier (1x, 10x, or 100x). You’ll have to adjust these settings to get both the type of sample recording and monitoring setup you desire. You should be able to match the settings you have in the Input Monitor menu if that’s what you want.

Maybe you changed some setting in the Sample menu without realizing it. I tend to get tripped up sometimes when adjusting sampler settings myself and have to double check everything from time to time.

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Ok, so I checked all those settings, Line 1/2, 48k 16b -96db, Stereo x10 Max sample time. same settings I had before…if I had to describe whats happening, a good reference is, the kick drums in any sample suddenly have ZERO bottom end to them once I am in sample mode. When its in straight input monitoring, the sample sounds full again.

now that I am digging in a bit, it seems to be an issue with the actual sample mode - the audio sounds very poor coming in to sample mode, but sounds fine when in input monitoring mode.

Why are you using 10x gain? That’s way too hot for sampling from a turntable (you mentioned you’re sampling from vinyl). I’m surprised your samples aren’t distorting like crazy. Are you going through a preamp or DJ mixer with phono inputs? Or are you plugging your turntable directly to the S2400? Your machine might be having trouble, but I’d check the following first:

Just to make sure, if you’re sampling from a turntable and vinyl directly, you should be plugging your turntable to one of the Phono inputs because vinyl does not have a normal EQ curve. If you’re connecting a phono preamp or DJ mixer in between the turntable and S2400, then plug into one of the S2400 line inputs. Finally for both your input monitor and Sample menu settings use 1x gain (unless you want to distort your sample for some reason), adjust the little input trim knob on the back of the S2400 to get an input level just below the input meter turns red, and set the Stereo/Mono settings however you want. Sorry if you already know/did all this, but just want to make sure you’ve covered your routing correctly.

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No need to apologize, I should have been more specific - and I totally appreciate you taking the time to repsond too!

So, my set up is Technic 1200s through a pioneer S9 mixer, into the line1/2. Gain staging is fine, my signal into the machine (prior to this issue) as always a nice wav, mo cliipping etc.
I switched out the SD card, put in a fresh card, and the sampling issue is gone.

I put in the old SD card and the issue returns.

This seems to confirm my suspicion that my SD card storage is an issue.

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This doesn’t confirm your SD card is an issue, it confirms that it is a setting.
on your SD card is a settings file. S2400.SET

Temporarily remove or rename that to S2400.OLD then reboot.
If the issue has gone, then you have a setting that you have changed somewhere.


EDITED - update
Ok, so I removed the file S2400.SET from the SD card, rebooted the machine, and the issue still persists. When I checkthe SD Card, S2400.SET shows up again. I will try to update the file itself to S2400.OLD and see if this fixes the issue.

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OMG ok - so I changed the file from S2400.SET to S2400.OLD and now the sampler wont read any of my files, I get a message “no files found”.

The good news is, when I change it back to .SET, the projects are visible and loadable in the sampler.

Any other suggestions?

Just chiming in.

You talk about bassdrum samples having zero low end after sampling.
You monitor in stereo but you sample/convert the two channels (L/R) in mono?
Then it might be a phase problem.
Just thinking.

Ahh I wish it were this - but alas, I am stereo > stereo :frowning:

Page 79 of manual could potentially help. Maybe not.

Anyway it seems that there are different monitor settings for input monitoring vs sample monitoring. Maybe your sampling monitor output is 99 and distorting while your input monitor is at a more conservative level?

Lastly, what are you using to monitor? E.g. headphones? Direct outs? Mix out? There could be something going on there…

Your situation happened to me before but it was due to a temperamental button on a 500 series module i run stuff through and some s2400 pads were going through that dodgy connection. Probably not whats going on here but putting it out there anyway.

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