S2400 doesn't see incoming midi over USB B in MIDI monitor

Health issues have prevented me from digging into the 2400 until this weekend and I’m not having much luck using it as a tone generator with Logic Pro. The DAW and the Audio MIDI Setup both recognize the unit on the USB bus, but I can’t get the samples to play back or any recognition that there are incoming notes on the monitor. I’ve watched Alex Ball’s Video Manual pt. 7 about a dozen times and gone over the pdf but I’m not having any luck.

I have samples loaded to A1 and A2 and I’m sending a repeated C1 (36) midi note over all channels to the Isla Midi Out port in Logic.

From the Pattern 1 bank A screen with the A button on A1 on, I open sync to see these settings:
Clock Src-USB B
Control Settings
Control Port- USB B
Control Ch.-16
Device ID-2
MMC Input :white_check_mark:
Echo (Off)
Pattern chg None
USB B Jack
Clock out -tried both :white_check_mark:and not
Notes out :white_check_mark:
Transport In :white_check_mark:
Notes in :white_check_mark:
Vel in :white_check_mark:
CC in :white_check_mark:
Sample Tracks Map
A1 Mode-tried Percussion, Slice/Note and Pitch
Note C1 36
Ch 10

What could I be missing?