RC24 Clocking into the Isla

Hey! My workflow is to run Silent Ways (SW SYNC) frmo Cubase via multiple Motu outputs to my Eurorack sequencers. This enables me to clock really well and I love life and everything it brings me.

I know that external clock is possible to the S2400 but want to know if anyone has used it and if so how reliable it is (against a DAW grid). Use case would be program sequences on the S2400 but clock from Silent Ways to the 3.5m inputs. And then record back into the DAW.

What are the possible settings for external clock? I have consulted a manual from 2022 and there didnt seem to be anything specific.

So the guy selling the S2400 let me take it home and test it out.

RC24 settings from Silent Ways work beautifully fore me. I have tested with 24PPQN from SW SYNC to the S2400 with CLOCK IN set as CLOCK and CLOCK OUT set as RUN/STOP. Recording into cubase revealed that with a little configuration of SW SYNC (offset by +3 in my case) the S2400 is extremely solid in timing.

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