Question about classic envelops

When using classic envelopes I always get glitching on the tail of kicks and certain sustained sounds.
Is that a thing on the original sp ?
Like the release section glitches , it’s pretty unusable on kicks and low freq sounds.

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Yes the classic envelopes have an 8 bit aliased release just like the sp1200. Does that sound like what you’re experiencing?

Yes exactly , good to know ty. I’ve just been taking some of it out with the filter , sounds good , I just needed to experiment.
It nice on some sounds , but if you want a mellow kick I just needed to roll it off with a low pass.

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would really like a preference to use the vintage envelope without the annoying glitchy release. as you have pointed out it messes up bass and kicks, but the simplicity of the envelope is really good.

Well not really.
You either want classic 8-bit envelopes, or you don’t.
I suggest you use hifi envlopes, or as you already said, use the filter.

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Another suggestion would be (haven’t done it so not sure how ell it works in practice) is to make a working template. Which is prob what I will do.

I.e. have high fi envelopes on your kick and bass pads setup to be quickly editable so you don’t need to go into the full graphic with b button. Then classic on sounds that it isn’t such an issue or you prefer the artefacts charm.

Depends how you work but I tend to use the same tracks for certain sounds I.e kick group A1 Bass B1.

In other news I get why they’re called Hifi Envelopes now doooh.

I did a ChatGPT on digital envelopes from 80s samplers , it’s quite an interesting rabbit hole.

Hi Brad
thanks for the reply - I love the simplicity of the classic envelope, using it from the front panel is super easy, reminds me of the decay knob on the Linn Drum. But i don’t find the gritty tail on bass to be a desirable vintage flavour. Could it not be a tickable pref? I’ll chip in a tenner for the dev! :slight_smile:

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You can still use the hifi envelope from the front panel without going into the advanced envelope editor. Fader adjusts decay, filter knob adjusts attack, resonance knob adjusts sustain. Doesn’t that accomplish the same goal without the 8-bit noise on the tail?