Hi, could you please add the Classic Envelope to the Filter too? So we can get fast attack filters with 1 slider?
BUT is it possible to have no authentic “Zipper” noise in that Envelope?
I have wondered if a 16 bit classic envelope would satisfy most desires for a time based envelope and fit within the existing SW architecture. I guess this request basically says can we have that for amplitude and VCF.
Thanks for sharing your request! I think it’s a really great idea and definitely something worth considering. That said, I’ve noticed there are already a few open threads discussing this same request. Could I suggest searching for one of those older posts and adding your comment there? I feel like if we concentrate the likes and comments in one place, it’ll give the request more visibility and momentum—making it harder for the Isla team to miss!
Looking forward to seeing more of your thoughts around here.
Gaspar Pini