Maybe I am missing something in the manual but as far I can tell, I could not find an option in the settings to switch the entire machine into Classic mode for the Bit Depth, Pitch, Swing and Envelopes. This would be really nice to have under Default Settings. Maybe a checkbox like Classic 12 and/or User Config so you can mix and match the settings you require. For example. I like to use 16th Swing, with 12 Bit Playback, Hifi Envelopes and Classic Pitch.
As far as I know, Classic Mode is a sampling setting in the sampling screen.
Switching from 16 bit 48khz to 12 bit 22khz, defining the difference between Normal Mode and Classic Mode.
Additionally, in the main menu machine settings, you can change the voice polyphony.
I don’t have my machine in front of me at tbe moment, and I still haven’t done the latest update, but I was always under the impression that Classic Mode is a group of separate personalized settings.
Quantization is a based on a note scale, so bit depth wouldn’t have any effect on snapping notes to a grid.
I will say that the swing and quantization on this machine takes a while to get used to if you are coming from an Akai or Ensoniq workstation.
Yeah would love this. So often end up changing every single pad to Classic mode + mono, be nice if there was a universal default you could change for when opening samples from the SD.
+1 on this. I recently opened a poll on the FB group to see if anyone was interested in a stripped-down firmware version that replicated that of the SP-1200 but the community gave a resounding no to that.
In lieu of an OG firmware, being able to default to all filters on and all tracks in classic mode would be a small compromise.
There’s also the envelopes (classic vs hifi)
So really just defaulting all tracks to “classic” saves having to change 3 x 8 x 4 = 96 separate settings
Thanks, I forgot about the envelopes. I typically change these to classic also.
This was literally the first setting I looked for.
Or, alternatively, a way to set a default project that loads with bootup in which all the adjustments have been saved…
Have to agree, i would way prefer my default for everything to be classic.
A workaround might be having an “init project” with all the settings you want as classic. Then instead of doing “save” when finishing a session, do “save as” so you still have the original “init project” and its settings to load when you start something new.
Yes that was my line of reasoning as well.
Or set up one empty pad and duplicate (although I haven’t actually tried this)
I do this with the mc707 , have a default template.
What’s nice is you can lock projects so my innit template doesn’t get overwritten accidentally.
I seem to remember you can lock them on the Elektron gear as well.
Maybe you can on the 2400 ? But I haven’t investigated
+1 for being able to default the track to Classic.
Every single time I load a sample I have to change it from HiFi to Classic