Quadrowave card

At this point in time any Caladan news excites me! So I assumed I’d would be worth the read for you as well. :grin:

As it seems Paula Maddox, who’s working on her wavetable-card for the Caladan, is also blogging about her progress on that card that she called the Quadrowave for now.




It’s pretty wild how powerful the Caladan will be on release. I pre-ordered four voices… Now being able to add four 4op FM and four wavetable voices on just two cards, FANTASTIC.

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The Opl-3 FM card will be even 6 voices per card :raised_hands:t3:

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Even better!

Which filters will be in the Quadrowave? I read VCFs, but I wonder which.
Also, will it be 1 shared filter for all 4 voices or a filter per voice?

The language being used makes it sound like VCF per voice. For example, from Paula Maddox’s page, talking about developing the QW:

“I still have to debug the VCFs but the other parts, like DACs and VCAs are the same as the OPL3 card”

Based on that, I would think two things:

  1. each card has multiple analog filters. This suggests either filter-per-voice or multiple different filters that can be selected for all the filters, which would be a strange implementation.
  2. because “bu the other parts… are the same as the OPL3” implies that the filters are NOT synthex filters, since if I recall correctly, Brad said that the OPL3 card uses those.

My guess is that they’re filters similar to the Microwave, which were 24db/oct LPFs, but that’s based on nothing.

EDIT: if you look at the QW card posted to the Isla IG, you can clearly see four VCF labels, 1-4! So definitely one per voice.