this is about previewing sounds from the browser. i have a large collections of samples, especially one shot drum samples. if im already working on a beat and search for samples, i wanna hear how the “raw” sample sounds, without anything applied (pitch, envelope etc.) to it. most likely i am gonna decide later if i have to pitch it down, change envelopes etc. currently this is not possible, if you’re not gonna delete all the track settings prior to browsing samples.
i think there should be an option to preview the samples without the current track settings.
adn also an option where you could set the gain of the preview. i often crank up the samples +6db and if you play the current pattern, the samples are at a too low volume when previewing it.
you can already do this, just use the pad you’re about to assign to. pad will trigger whichever file you’re browsing if you’re browsing from track settings > assign sound
I should add you can also pitch and level them up/down from preview. Haven’t tried envelope or slice, I assume they also work but you’d obviously lose the screen view while previewing
I think it gets problematic when applying current slice settings to the previewed sound. Imagine, you have a pad, where the slice is set to 50–55% and you want to preview a sound where there’s just silence in this range. It does get confusing!
When assigning a sound from a kit, it gets even worse, as what you will get is not what you’ve heard when previewing the sound (if the kit define a different slice setting for the sound).
I believe, the following things could make life easier:
Adding a “Preview original” setting to Preview Sound menu (F5 in File Browser menu), which allows to preview sounds in their original form. A shortcut for triggering the original sound (like some button +Pad) could be a better options, but I cannot find any free key combinations. Feel free to contribute!
Indicating that a sound is a part of a kit. For this, a different symbol could be used instead of the note icon. This will make clear that assigning this sound could change the current track settings.
Moreover, another indicator (in the menu header?) could show, which preview mode is currently active, the one where the current pad settings are applied or the one with the original settings (these should probably include kit overrides).
Another idea without any changes to the UI: when triggering the preview from menu (by scrolling), the machine could always play the original sound, while when triggering the sound via the current selected pad, the pad settings would apply.