Navigate step sequencer at default quantize rate

Currently the step sequencer and tr mode navigate at 1/16 using the <<>> and knob.

My request is to make it easier to step enter events at all the musically interesting quantize rates such as triplets and dotted, to easily enter a long pattern of 1/8 note bassline, 32nd triplets, all kinds of things.

The first part of this request is to use a combination of

0 + << or >>

to navigate forward and back at the current default quantize rate, instead.

That would make it very easy to enter notes at all kinds of musically interesting intervals using the step sequencer.

The second part:

Currently, entering Quantize from the Step Sequencer and then exiting it brings you back to the main mixer screen. With the new quantized step functionality, it would make more sense to return to the step sequencer than the mixer screen if thats where the user came from. Otherwise you’d have to extra button press back to the step sequencer.

Another possibility would be to use some kind of a toggle of 0+ 4, 8, 1, 3, and 6 which would correspond to setting default quantize to 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, while in step sequencer/tr mode.


Was playing around with this earlier.

So when you change the zoom in the step seq with buttons 1 & 3 it also also changes the resolution/quantize, each zoom is a different setting (8th 16th etc etc and triplets) and when zoomed the << and >> keys (and encoder) move a step relative to that setting. Which is great.

However holding Tap and pressing a pad, to input a note and also go one step forwards, it defaults back to the track quantize setting. This is generally fine, especially if you are smart with the per-track quantize settings, but I think it would be nice to include the option to toggle between the two from the step seq page somehow.

Also would be handy if you could press Shift + Tap to lock that mode on, with the Tap key lighting up to show it’s in that mode. Would be good as it’d free up a hand for tweaking settings as you tap the pad to enter each step (for doing filtered snare rolls or whatever).

Also also (lol 5 edits…) - it would be nice to have an option/mode which automatically triggers/plays all events on the step you’ve just navigated to, like on the MPC2kxl.

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Bumping this bit as I think it’d be v. useful and potentially an easy thing to implement.