This is maybe a little pie/sky, but is there a simple solution to switch to the next project file and not have a big, silent gap between them? I think people have considered buying two S2400’s to circumvent this issue, which seems a bit much unless you are playing huge shows and need a backup anyway.
What about with the FX/DSP module? A global effect section would allow maybe a simple looper/beatmasher/repeater function or some long tailed reverb/decay to bridge the gap while switching projects?
DA best
That would be dope if there was a way with a looper in the dsp card, sounds like it could be hard to pull of but what do I know.
I use the S2400 with an octatrack to do this at the moment. I have them synced and I can record 4 bars in the octa, fade over to the recording and switch projects. Then I can fade back to the S2400 again. There’s a lot of cool effects you can do to 
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As song goes, they live in a project so changing songs in a project can be done smoothly by the specific event made for that but we cannot have all songs from a set within a project, we’ll run out of tracks. It would be nice to be able to assign an event to go to a different project song rather than just changing songs within a project, that will mean that the s2400 will change project too.
Also speaking about song mode, a loop pattern event would be very necessary. For solos or intros where the pattern will continue playing until desired.
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Also speaking about song mode, a loop pattern event would be very necessary. For solos or intros where the pattern will continue playing until desired.
It’s called a repeat group.
Yes sir but I meant a pattern that repeats endlessly until and action is taken, let’s say that in song mode the song arrives to this loop event, then this pattern will loop endlessly until for example play button is pressed again to exit the loop and continue with the song. This way you can arrive to a solo and stay there as much as you want. Play button can flash arriving to this event to show you are on it. Does that sense?
Repeat mode, as my understanding goes, repeats the pattern in a predetermined way, like x2 x4, x6 but then you are committed to that amount of bars during a solo or intro. That is very limiting, don’t you agree?
Sorry but I made a mistake, there’s no play button, is run/stop so this key won’t work. Maybe by using the arrow keys>>>