How will work the future firmware updates for the effect card?
Like the standard firmware updates so far or will we have to open the machine and update the card with a micro SD card at one point as we can see on one recent video?
How will work the future firmware updates for the effect card?
Like the standard firmware updates so far or will we have to open the machine and update the card with a micro SD card at one point as we can see on one recent video?
No, this is just the initial factory burn.
Does the DSP card allow any external audio processing? That would be incredibly useful, for instance just as a reverb for my Moog. Getting greedy, would there be any new signal routing that allows monitoring multiple external stereo pairs simultaneously?
I have demo’d playing my guitar live through the unit in the past.
It’s in one of the youtube videos.
But yes, route an external signal (live input) to any bus and insert plugins on that bus (or to an aux send)
Thanks, @bradholland. I found the video you reference, and using it for FX is rad.
Mid demo, you were playing with a menu and said something like “route to DSP” - does this mean I could take input pairs 1+2 and input pairs 3-4 and route to separate busses such that I could monitor both of them simultaneously? A mini-mixer with FX chains would be out of this world useful for my kit.
Edit: the reason I ask so specifically is that the current device can only monitor one stereo pair at a time, and somewhere on the forum this is quoted as being a HW limitation.
Does the soundfont plugin / player have a lowpass filter in it like the E-mu modules or SoundBlasters? Single cycle loops are mentioned above and in the video, but you’d need a filter to do basic subtractive synthesis.
300 extra points if it’s Rossum’s crazy morphing filter from the E4 Emulator.
Or is the soundfont hooked up to the existing filters?
I’m fairly certain it’s a hardware limitation and I don’t think the addition of the DSP card will change that since the DSP card is essentially “in between” the existing main engine and outputs if I’m not mistaken. I don’t know the technical terms for this and someone correct me if I’m wrong, but the way I understand the inputs via previous discussions is that making it so both could be used at the same time would essentially be like using a splitter on an audio input and running two sources into it which ultimately would lead to damage.
Brad can you clarify? With the dsp card, Can we use live FX on two external stereo pairs simultaneously? Right now it is only one stereo pair at a time.
no you cannot.
Inputs are selected via an analogue multiplexer inside the machine, it can only look at 1 input at a time.
the soundfont playback is based on fluidsynth, which has its own filters etc.