I’m trying to inquire about my order

I have tried to check on he status of my order can someone please help me I’ve somehow been locked out of checking the status of my order on the main website I hope I did not offend anyone for sending two emails regards


I am quite sure nobody is offended Russell

@rozz3r may be able to help you.

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Then why no response from the company ?? I’ve sent countless emails called the telephone number and I’ve gotten nothing

Russell - we got 5 emails from you, all within the last 2 hours. I can’t see any before that. Please give us a chance to answer. I don’t deal with orders, that’s @roborr. But he’s Florida based, so it’s still early morning there.

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Have you sent robor a correspondence about this matter ?

No need. He will attend to it. Just be patient please.

Ok I will thank you for your correspondence :v:

I am really excited about this instrument

Yeah, I noticed :laughing:

Glad we could clear things up for you dude :slight_smile:


Thanks the effort was because I appreciate the creativity of your engineers :fist:t5::fist:t5::fist:t5::fist:t5:

ah shiieeet sorry roz, i got the wrong tag

No problem! We both do support, so it’s all good :slight_smile: