Gain Reset to Zero when changing Looping

Go to track settings - set gain really high (like 50) - sound distorts like mofo :smiley:
Go to loop/slice and turn on looping
Press Pitch to change the pitch and have fun - gets quiet again - not distort like mofo :frowning:

Maybe mofo will distort like a mofo when changing the mofo pitch after you save :smiley: the mofo after changing the mofo gain of the mofo.

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I’m not normalizing it in the waveform view where you set the start and end points. I’m increasing the “Gain” parameter in the track settings. The number that I set the gain to, 50, is still shown on the track settings parameter list, but the volume or in this case distortion has disappeared. You can turn the encoder a single click and it adjusts to 51 and the gain is back again. It is not something that has to be saved though.

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Okay, my bad. You are right, it has nothing to do with saving in your scenario.

I tested it and it is solved in beta. This mofo in mofo pitchmode pitched mofo down, sounds mofo cringed out mofo :crazy_face:

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Lol, cool man. Thanks for checking that out. I’m just glad that so far all of the bugs I’ve found are this simple.