External MIDI triggering for multimode

Sequencing “normal” (none multi-mode) S2400 channels from the Cirklon works exactly as expected - you can trigger notes at any pitch and use CC automation to control filter etc.

Cirklon is always master clock, as this is one of its fortes (unless I need to sync VSTs/VCVRack in which case the clock comes from my computer via Expert Sleepers hardware, which is sample accurate).

What I have for my Analog Rytm (and would ideally be the same for S2400) is two Cirklon instrument definitions - one for controlling a single pitched track, and one for triggering across all of the 8 tracks (/multis) at once.

What’s missing in S2400 is the ability to sequence a multi. What I’d like to do is…

  1. setup the 8 multis on the S2400 (different pitch/filter/env settings on each pad)
  2. load up my “S2400 multi” instrument definition on Cirklon
  3. use CK mode with 8 lanes to sequence each of the 8 multis on one screen