Erase Event doesn't always work

Could be user error, but I don’t think so.
I have a 4 bar sample recorded and assigned to a pad.
I trigger it at start of bar 0 and again at start of bar 2 (play in with record button on)
… it then ‘overruns’ into next pattern when I switch to the next pattern… (as pattern is only 4 bars and I have triggred a 4 bar sample at bar 2)
…So i decide to delete the event from Bar 2 (start)

go into step editor. scroll to the event. press enter. Press F2 to see the event (parameters)
Click erase and press enter at ‘erase event’… but event does not get erased.
I think this is only true when returning to a pattern some time after it was originally recorded… i.e. if I create event (live record) and then erase it works every time…
But if I return to an ‘old’ pattern and carry out the above it doesn’t work…

I might be misunderstanding, but…

You can only delete events that trigger the sample. If there’s no event that triggers on bar 0 of the second pattern, there’s nothing to delete. If you want to stop playback of that sample when the second pattern starts, here are a couple ideas to accomplish that:

  1. Make the sample “gated” (shift + pad to edit track params) which means the sample will only play back as long as the pad is pressed (or the note is playing), so you could reduce the note length to 1/2 of the entire length of the sample.

  2. Put a new event on bar 0 of the second pattern, for that track, but set the level of that event to 0, so it’s basically playing with no volume.

  3. Chop the sample in to two slices, and only trigger the first half on the bar 2 of the first pattern.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks, but yes you’re misunderstanding… there is sn event as denioted by small square in dusplay
I just couldnt dekete. Workaround was to delete all events for that track

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Subsequent workaround was to adjust total time of envelope 1 from 100 to 50 of event at bar 2:0 (the one i couldn’t delete)
But there is a small bug i think.
I’ll video next time it comes up…

“1. Put a new event on bar 0 of the second pattern, for that track, but set the level of that event to 0, so it’s basically playing with no volume.”

Would also be a neat solution though thanks
Although I’d need to put in every single pattern to be safe and for several tracks presumably which gets cumbersome

Ahhh, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Also, this may sound dumb, but it’s tripped me up a couple of times… if the Rec/Edit button isn’t ON, events won’t delete. At least that’s the case when using the [Erase + Pad] combo in the step editor.

I often turn Rec/Edit OFF in the step editor so the view will follow the playhead, and then forget to turn it back on to erase an event.


That’ll be it !
Makes sense and I’m sure that would explain it.
Thanks very much

Dug a bit deeper.
Erase event doesn’t work if the transport is running. It functions (i.e dialogue pops up and everything) but the event doesn’t get deleted until you stop the transport and THEN erase event