Behringer sp1200 clone

Just heard Behringer are now thinking of making a SP1200 clone.

Bet it won’t top the S2400…

there are a lot of cool synths (mostly clones) from behringer and i always thought id eventually buy one some day, but i havent. i always feel that they dont really care a lot about the design or feel of an instrument. they just want to make mass production clones and then go on to the next thing.

i dont have any interest at all for a behringer sp clone. i’d rather support a project made with heart like the S2400 or the one from MKS1REC …or the original SP.


Different target demographics. Nobody considering a S2400 is also going to be considering this and vice versa (most of the time). I feel like their thing has always been very good “sonic accuracy” with just good enough housing, so this is good for people that want that sound but can’t afford a S2400. I did pre-order that Linn Drum clone though because it looks fun as hell.

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Glad to see that Behringer finally react.
If it really sounds good and is under 500$ I ll buy one.
No need for modern features for that clone as the s2400 already has them :slight_smile:

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Behringer products are hot garbage and break constantly. The best behringer product I own is the A800 amp which runs the speakers for my projector. The only device I have from them that helps me make music is the Tube Mic100 preamp pedal and I replaced the tube. The pedal costs less than the tube I put in it. It’s decent as an easy XLR>TS converter so you can run guitar pedals with your phantom powered microphones.

I was thinking of pre-ordering the LmDrum too. I have the RD-8 and wanted an acoustic-sounding drum machine. I think they knocked it out of the park with the RD-8, so I’d assumed it’d be the same with the LmDrum.