Auditioning Samples from SD card I hear aliasing

It’s an extra step if you’re bringing files over from an MPC, but for what it’s worth, if you’re on a Mac doing a batch conversion to 48 with XLD (free) solved the aliasing problem quickly.

What about this @Mickey , what if we could load a 44.1 sample in and have the option to not convert to 48. Then the sample is higher in pitch when played at 48khz (I think that’s right?). Then we can pitch back down with hi-fi or classic.

That is what the machine already does. Resampling from 44.1 to 48 is basically pitching it down.

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Yeah so what I’m saying is don’t re-sample (or give us the option). Let us pitch it down using classic pitch shift. Like the sample at 45rpm trick.

I understand. I just meant that it would sound the same in the end.

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But how’s that, if you have the option of classic or hi-fi pitch mode,

I don’t have my S2400 yet, nor a large library of my own samples (for this kind of machine!) at a troublesome sample rate, but I thought I would chime in about a GREAT program called BarbaBatch from Audio Ease. Yes, yes, it is not inexpensive, but you can convert from honestly dozens and dozens of file formats and across every sample rate, bit depth etc. etc… For those of you with large libraries it might make sense to buy a great software batch converter, set up your conversion for the S2400, drag all your files there and let it crank away. The audio quality of the conversions is top notch.

Now that I’m writing this, I wonder if someone wants to make a zip file of a bunch of their samples and send it to me to convert and send back - we could see if this would be a solution for folks? Yes, I’m just trying to stay occupied while I wait for my S2400!


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