I totally plan to have this setup using RME UFX. Ultimately I am planning to move to a full hardware setup. My ultimate goal is to track through console record back into the sp2400 with BOMES MIDI translator and sequence with the cirklon. RME Chanel strip is great and their spectral analysers are fantastic. I would use the UFX Totalmix FX only (no DAW). If this doesn’t work, well it is time to go digital console (A&H SQ6 or Midas M32).
I remember editing python scripts for Ableton Live many versions ago for the APC40. So for those using Live 10 (11beta) go for python scripts instead of midi mapping.
They are and do. If dynamic pads is turned on, then the velocity out comes from pad pressure, if DynaPads is off, velocity comes from the Level slider.
Mute and solo buttons can output MIDI for MIDI tracks, not for sample tracks.
Start/Stop output MIDI start and stop messages. Record does not output a message.