Heya dudes. Happy new year. I have some time off over the holidays to get some sessions in. I’m sampling old vinyl into her . I can save the chops in sampling mode. But I’m trying to save other imported slices in loop/slice edit mode.
Once my loop selection is set, how can I save/export this slice only and not the whole sample? I found out the hard way just now, that even once I selected my loop points, it trying to save the whole 7min sample. The machine is processing it now. It has been around 3min. The Rec/edit light is flashing fast. Is that normal? She’s not crashing… ah And she’s done. That was a big task for her. She saved a 7min track to sd card. Solid💪🏼!
But with the loop save question, any ideas? I’ll watch the tute vids again tonight, but I don’t think I saw it on there.