I’ll play the devils advocate… I think this will only complicate the UI because it is hidden functionality hence it isn’t intuitive. I don’t think there’s anything better than having a dedicated button for cycling through banks giving you immediate results.
The dedicated bank button is important in the main interface and that importance won’t be affected or diminished.
It won’t complicate the UI as no functionality is being removed, it would only present another method to navigate particular fields in the menu system.
It is the gesture which comes most naturally to me (imo). Pressing a pad make the initial selection anyway, so why no press it again to select the next bank?
Making the UI deeper is what adds unnecessary complexity to the system. The pad is the pad and the bank button is for switching banks. How can it get more intuitive than this? How would anyone know that double tapping pads would lead to cycling banks? I am frequently double tapping any pad for whatever I am doing with it (don’t ask, it’s a stupid habit). I would never want to end up in a situation where I accidentally change the bank because this will slow down the workflow significantly.
To me, it doesn’t get any better than BANK+PAD. One-hander for most banks and great for muscle memory.
Why do you still need more methods for changing banks when it is perfect already and you have several options to do it besides this perfect solution? Do we need 4th or 5th way of doing it?
I personally can also live with how it’s done now but the OP is right: selecting a pad to assign the bounced track to and selecting the current bank are two different things.
Say you bounce A1 to D7. You enter bounce from A1 track settings. You want to set the ‘assign to’ field. You can assign A1 to A8 directly by pushing that pad. You want another bank (D) pad (7), so you press BANK-pad4 and then pad7. Yes you are now in bank D, but that is what you want anyway, because you have bounced a sample to another track and now you want to work on it. What am I missing?
Edit: and what buttons do you press if you had the requested functionality? pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7? And if you make a little error: pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7, pad7?
The great thing about this machine is that things are intuitive and follow a certain philosophy. To me the request of the OP is not intuitive and factually it is introducing yet another methodology. If you add it here, you must implement that same methodology everywhere, or people are going nuts learning this thing.
I agree. That’s why I proposed a different interaction, which doesn’t change the current behavior but rather extends it in an organic way: holding a pad is used as a modifier to the scrolling.
Huh? Where is a similar workflow on the machine? I have never used a pad-hold + encoder. Is it already there somewhere? If not, the same argument applies to your method, IMHO.
edit: My last post about this subject. I think this is so unimportant, especially since we need to get a stable last release before the storm hits (the addons)…
I wholeheartedly agree with literally every message you posted here.
If OP wanted something easy, they are already using the encoder when assigning the sample to track, so they can click the encoder and rotate it until they get to the bank they want.
We literally have 3 or 4 ways of changing banks when in the menu. This is development hell.
Thank you all for the robust debate. Please don’t worry too much it’s not a hill I’m prepared to die on. I suppose it’s a matter of personal taste and tapping a pad to cycle through options seemed like a pretty harmless way to keep the flow whilst filling in certain menu fields. The pads do a lot of menu navigation anyway and it feels great.
I use the live loops and bounce to pad feature very often. I’m scrolling through the menu editing a row at a time, when I see the assign to track field I just want to go ‘Tap Tap Tap’ on a pad and for it to cycle through the banks. I want C7 so ‘Tap tap tap’ on Pad 7 and hey presto. I don’t think this would overcomplicate the UI, just another method for the same outcome, a simpler one if you ask me