Pad A1 muted when using BANK+1 to quick switch to bank A

When the sequencer it playing switching back to BANK A using BANK+1 (from any other BANK) mutes TRACK 1 momentarily.

Example switching back an forth from BANK A and B:

Hello, could you create a 100% reproducible step by step procedure?
I tried to recreate the bug here but it does not seem to happen.

I’ll attach the project and a video of the issue on my machine. Are you able to reproduce the muting on your machine? Switching between BANK+1 and BANK+2 should reproduce the problem.



Hi, thanks for sharing the folder. It seems like your video is not available though.
It cannot reproduce the bug like you described it in the first post but I can reproduce it in another way.
(It may be another bug created by the shortcut bank button+ pad and the “Gated” setting I guess)

1- Reboot
2- Shift+file
3- Load project and click on err (the folder available on Dropbox above)
4- Go to pattern 1 and press Run/Stop
5- Press the bank button to go to bank B
6- Press the shortcut bank button + pad 1 to go to bank A

→ The sound in the background on pad 1 is cut

Extra steps
10- Shift + pad 1 to go to track settings
11- Uncheck “Gated”
12- Repeat steps 4 to 6

→ The sound in the background is not cut