So I’ve had the S2400 for a few months now and it’s pushed my mpc2000xl out as my main beat making tool and I love it overall. However there is one obvious bug that keeps cropping up and I thought I should post about it here to see if anyone has any ideas on a fix. What happens is when playing with the filters in playback override mode there are occasional dropouts of samples (as in they don’t play for a step) even though there are no changes to the patterns themselves. It’s most noticeable when its the kick drum that drops and I have a video of it doing that here (around 43 seconds in, the bass line also drops out a second later):
I also noticed it happening on a video posted on this forum by The Crates Motel: (happens at 18:26)
Another user ‘fooddude’ also chimed in on that post to say they have had the same problem.
I then searched through old bug reports to see if I could find any more people with this problem and came across these:
- ‘sequencer forgets to play steps when using filter playback override’
- 'sequencer stuttering when using playback overide
(sorry won’t let me post more than 2 links as i’m a new user, so i’ve just added the titles of the posts)
but not sure if they are the exact same thing i’m seeing.
It’s not a big deal when making and recording beats but I did intend to replace my mpc with the s2400 for live use but as it is I don’t think it’ll be possible.
So, does anyone else have these dropouts? Are Isla aware of the issue? Is there a fix?