Normalization bug - Won't save normalization, can't leave Sample editor without losing normalled audio

Didn’t see this on the forum anywhere so posting as bug.

  1. Created sample and assigned to A1 (if it matters I did this all at the same time using the save dialog - as opposed to manually assigning to the pad)
  2. press Loop/Slice
  3. Press B on A1
  4. Press Level to normalize
  5. Change normalize setting and hit ok.
  6. Cannot leave Loop/Slice without getting warning that if I navigate away I will “Loose” normalization.
  • Loose should probably be “Lose” but the bigger issue is that it won’t normalize. I am new, perhaps I am missing a step? Should mention in video that the last button push that is off camera is just hitting “Back”

EDIT - Forgot one step that may or may not be relevant. After initially sampling I resampled it with 33@45 which significantly reduced the volume (which is why I wanted to normalize) and then went through the steps above.

See video for repro.

Simple question but have you tried to press the Save button and overwrite or create a new sample before leaving this screen?

If you don’t save your sample, normalize will be lost.

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Not at the machine at the moment but will give that a try tomorrow. I guess I would expect that the normalization operation would overwrite the file which is why it asks me to confirm after setting the value. Seems like an unnecessary step to then save. It seems also that in other scenarios I have normalized without any extra steps.

I m not in front of the machine either but from what I remember the pop up screen was first added as a warning because people always forgot to save before leaving the normalize screen.

It is non-destructive as long as you’re in in the normalize window but if you don’t save before leaving it’s lost.

I don’t remember what the popup screen says but it might be better to change it with a message like “if you don’t save, the setting is lost” or something that sounds better. (sorry again, not in front of the machine)

Concerning “unnecessary samples” created by the machine it was pointed out a long time ago but if it’s the solution to avoid crashes or weird behavior I m fine with it. :slight_smile:

just save the normalised file and crack on

what is the issue aside the spelling mistake?

If that is the intended workflow then it is unclear at that point that the problem is that the file isn’t saved. Perhaps add a third button “Save & Cont.”?

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