Hey guys. s2400 rules, but can we PLEASE get the ability to name our banks so they don’t just read “BANK A”. I’d LOVE to give custom names like “909 kit” - “CS80 MIDI” - “Tribal vox samples”, etc… The pattern/mixer view always displays the bank name, so being able to customize it would be wonderful.
It would also be really great if we could see the track name without having to dive into track settings. The mixer view has the majority of it’s real estate devoted to the fader position. It would be wonderful if user’s could choose to see a more informational screen here. For instance, when hitting a pad I would love it if the track name was displayed as well as the sample name.
I know you all have worked tirelessly to get the UI to where it is today - but some more user configuration would be immense.
Hope you all give this consideration!