Multi-timbral functionality

Hi Isla team,

I would love to know a bit more about the multitimbral functionality of the Caladan. Especially the configuration options in combination with the software editor when used in a daw.

As far as I understand every voicecard can be a timbral part. Does this also mean that we get to edit all these parts separately in the software editor and are we able to save and recall recall these parts upon along with our daw projects?

Also I would like to know if we can assign multiple voicecards to combined virtual multi-timbral parts and be able to save these configurations in the software editor as well
This would come in handy if I need more voices for a patch than a single card is able to host.

Also what happens when hooking up multiple Caladan. Will the editor detect multiple devices and aggregate those with similar functionality as described above and just double the horsepower?

Thx in advance!