Midi Issues - Long Midi Sequences


The S2400 keeps cutting off/muting midi notes upon the next loop/repetition when I enter long notes/chords ( usually 8 bars long ).

I was hoping this would have been addressed in the latest firmware update.

Any help would be massively appreciated.


This blocks/handicaps me from making music with any external synths as well.

Only workaround currently is to use an MPC as the main midi-sequencer (which I can’t afford atm) or use a DAW I guess.

I posted a similar request here…


Here’s hoping it gets fixed in the next firmware update, I would rather not spend on another midi sequencer after dropping £1700 on the S2400. I’m also very keen to keep the workflow contained to the S2400.


As a workaround until then, you could duplicate the pattern by repeating it within the pattern for the number of times you need for the song, so it never needs to loop.

If you want it for jamming then make a silly # of repetitions into one pattern, such as 100. The only catch would be if you wanted the tail to repeat into the next measure of the new pattern. For that if you have some kind of midi processor you could probably work around the issue by filtering out MIDI NOTE OFF events.