Left headphone channel dropping out

On my new unit I noticed that during playback, the heaphones left channel occasionally and randomly drops out.

I’m pretty sure that it’s not the headphone, plug or cable causing this. Rebooting and reloading the project does not resolve it.

I did not try loading a different project when it occurs so far.

Putting up the gain of a random sample up loud and down again seems to make the left channel “pop” open in most of the times.

What could be causing this? Anyone else had this issue? I just hope it’s not a hardware problem, something with the outs…

Edit: this seems to be about the same issue: Headphone out shutdown

Funny mines doing the same , left is clearly quieter and it distorts , tried several pairs of headphones , different ratings with new projects , different adapters.
Left has lots distortion like the connectors not right.
Units only a couple of months old, never really used the headphones till now when I’ve got my studio unplugged.
Anybody else got this ?

First is the right , then I plug in the left via a trs to ts split cable into an audio interface, the first volume is from the right , then the left channel, much quieter . I then boost it without clipping from the audio interface to show the distorted left channel bringing it up to volume as the original right.

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Having the same problem, Left side is totally out now no matter what I do. Support sent me a firmware update but that didn’t work. Still working on it.

EDIT: I was able to get the left side back in by cranking the headphone output while a loop played. It’s stayed back in through multiple power cycles, so hopefully that’s the fix? Probably came close to blowing my headphones though lol. I realized afterwards that the right side was much louder than normal when the left side was out.

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I will try that as well, but I also just put in a support ticket as I am concerned that it’s a hardware issue.

Is this common? I have the same. Its completely fine through the main outs but the headphones only seem to have one side and the other is almost quiet. Is there a fix?

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@Laezea: I will post here as soon as I hear back from the team. Do you also experience a distorted and very low level on one side? It is worrying that more people seem to have this issue, so much so that I’m considering returning the S2400 (4 days left in my 30-day return window), but will wait for a response first.

@_MTSN it sounds like it’s mono or hard panned to one side and very thin distorted. I bought mine second hand but this is bugging me.

It sounds like exactly the same issue then.

I’ll try deleting the .set file later to see if that solves it. But it’s an odd case as I’m not sure what the issue is and if it’s hard or software related.

Support couldn’t resolve the issue remotely unfortunately, despite their best efforts. I was asked to send it in for inspection and repair, but arranged for exchange with my retailer instead as it was still within the return window.

Sucks to be without over the weekend, but happy with the warranty and service.

For me it turned out to be matter of not plugging the cable in entirely and then it works fine.

Kind regards,

Bart van de Burgt

Didn’t do the trick for me, tried everything incl. different plugs. Glad it worked for you!

Have just checked it again. Pulling out the cable slightly doesn’t sound distorted but results in a mono sound of only the left side. When panning a sound hard right you don’t hear it all. So my headphone port seems faulty as well.

I assume this is repaired under warranty but you’ll be without a machine for quite some time.

Kind regards,

Bart van de Burgt

Are you sure you didn’t accidentally pan your sample when the Record button was pressed and you were creating your sequence? Ya’ know like an automation pan but done on accident. Maybe try deleting the sequence and re-record it. Hope this solves your problem

Just an update on mine. Juno sent it for repair which was really fast , and now it’s working as it should.
Don’t know how this works in the uk, I assume it went to an approved repair workshop.
Anyway thanks for having a painless repair service, appreciated.

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My boy Jazzcat does all my repairs in the UK.