Issue transfering LV2 plugin

I tried loading the “aether.lv2” plugin exactly like Brad did in the video. I am running a PC but dragged and dropped into the LV2 folder of the DSP card folder.

When I followed the steps to load it up it is not in the user folder of the DSP card folder
. After searching around I found that there was now a folder on my SD card folder with a dspcard folder in it. The plugin was in there but unable to load.

The plugin doesn’t load directly from the sdcard. You place plugins on the sdcard to sync with the DSP card, then restart the machine. Afterwards you should be able to find your plugins in the DSP card’s user folder and load them from the user folder (not from the sdcard)

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I did perform the Sync Files command after I loaded the LV2 file and did a restart. The plugins are not showing up.

did you copy the extracted zip file into the lv2 plugins folder? it won’t open a zip.
Try to sync twice before you do a reboot.
It may take a few tries to appear, but it will. those plugins uploaded are tested by me.

The file was definitely extracted. I have tried syncing multiple times with no success. After multiple tries I re installed both the firmware and the newest dsp firmware. The syncing seems like it is working but when I go to the user folder there is nothing new.

I’ll test this on a fresh machine in the morning.
Give me till then please, I need to run some other tests.
In the meantime, if you get it up, also let me know.

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I had the same thing happen to me yesterday while trying to test a Wasted Audio plugin and one from the Patch Storage page Brad linked to in another forum post. I didn’t sync multiple times before rebooting, though, so I’ll try that when I get home.

I wish I had some good news but Im still not getting the plugins to transfer. Here is my order of operations.

  1. Download link
  2. Unzip file folder
  3. Put S2400 in MSC Mode
  4. Drag unzipped LV2 file folder into LV2 folder
  5. Disconnect from MSC mode
  6. Go to Effects and click Sync Files
  7. Click Sync Files again
  8. Reboot
  9. Go to DSP Mixer and click Add Plugin/Preset
  10. Click User Plugins

After this all I have is Fluid dr3 GM and Vintage Dream Waves.

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Same issue, I tried Lv2, Vst etc. Still cannot figure it out

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I originally downloaded the files on my computer, transferred them to my SD card on my computer and then tried loading them from there. That didn’t work. Then I went into MSC mode, copied the two files over to my computer, and deleted them from the SD card. Then I loaded those (plus two more linked directly from the Isla site, and another one I downloaded) back onto the SD card from MSC mode, synced the files, rebooted, and they were there.

Now, the files I didn’t get from the Isla page didn’t end up working, but I might have used the wrong version or they might not have been compiled for ARM processors or it might have been something else entirely. I’m at the beginning of my journey learning about this stuff, so I’m still not sure what I’m doing. But the two linked from Isla (Aether and Dragonfly Reverb) both loaded up and worked fine.

Just chiming in I’m having the same issue. Aether and VintageSynth work but none of the others from the plugin page after trying to Sync a couple times.

Has anyone that is having these problems figuring out what is wrong?

please update to the latest firmware released a few hours ago!

I really wish I had some good news but my plugin files are still not syncing after this new update. I am simply trying to make the aether plugin sync. I went as far as to try a completely different SD card, load the new firmware and DSP firmware. Should I make a video of my whole process and send it to you? Make a support ticket?

Same issues too. I added another plugin and did a rescan but nothing shows up after the update.

What im thinking is we need a step by step of how people are adding the vsts/lv2s to their SD and how its showing up. For reference, I’m using a 1TB Sandisk Extreme micro sd card. Could be brand specific so I’m putting this here for dev purposes

I have a SanDisk Extreme Pro 256GB standard SD card. Haven’t had any issues uploading LV2s.

Interesting? How are you adding the LV2s to your sd card? Im just taking the so file

when I unzip the file I open up the zipped folder which then has a second fold with the same name and a MacOS file in some cases. I take the second folder and drop it in to the SD card.

To be clear, this folder has a bunch of files in it.

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Going to give this and try and see if it works

Thanks oldmanchompski !!! Its worked! I was using the entire zipped file. I thought I tried your method before but anyways thanks for the minor detail.