That would enhance creativity a lot.
Would love that, too
Yes yes please. I wanna say I remember Brad saying he wanted to add this in a future update.
YES HE DID and is we needed for creative purposes.
Especially for the purpose of using the S2400 as a MIDI sequencer
I don’t know how implementation would work, but plus 1 for me too.
+1! Individual track length is def needed!! I came to the forum to see if maybe I was missing something because I couldn’t find it. Looks like I will be patiently waiting for this feature to be added.
until they do this, IF they do this you/we will just have to use another external sequencer and 2400 will have to pay 2nd fiddle or just play have it parts that don’t require poly meters
seems a shame to do that and removes it as a central brain but for those of us that use this pretty standard feature there is not much choice, see a problem and workaround it
Bumping this one, it’s needed to help make the S2400 a decent midi sequencer and central hub
Hi, it would be necessary one day that indeed all the functions are present like a workstation especially at the level of the functions of complete sequencer so that the s2400 becomes the brain of a studio
posted a thread but will post here too, while we do not have indi track lengths we can mimic them by using a mathematical cheat, i use on OT a lot
at least i think this will get you the same results - if 2400 allows this level of nudging and i am quite sure it does, not used with 2400 yet so don’t burn me at the stake just yet
Bumping this request up. This would be a huge upgrade!
A reset param would be just as important, so you can dictate where (or if) the track resets in relation to the pattern length.
ie: if you have a 12 step track and a 16 step pattern, some users would want the 12 step track to infinitely loop on the 12, where some users would want the 12 step track to reset at 12+4 together with the pattern length at 16.
I’m also going to bump this. I would love to not have to use other sequencers to sequence the s2400, and this is the one thing stopping me!
After my first month with this machine, this is my single biggest request. +1.
Even if they could implement this in a similar way to the divisions in the looper tracks, that would be a great workflow enhancement. Set divisions in the track settings, and just show some sort of repeat symbol in the sequencer grid.
A “Last Step” in Track Settings - anything like that. I bet they have some ideas
Idea for how to trigger like the TR-909 (last step for track) and/or the TR-8S (which does last step per track alsol)
Some button to trigger Last Step when pushed in combination with a channel pad (What button combos are still free?) to trigger the mode
Once the mode is triggered, there are 2 options.
A. use the Mute/Solo buttons (16 buttons!) to let the user choose the last step number for the entire pattern, similar to how it works on the TR-909. The catch is that if you have a long pattern, you start from 1. This is similar to TR-909 last step, which is pattern-wise.
B. Instead of one of the 16 mute/solo buttons, the user first pushes one of the 8 channel pads to select the channel to work on, followed by using the Mute/Solo buttons (16 buttons!) to let the user choose the step number to be the last step for that track specifically.
The Track Settings menu could have another fold-out that shows the last step for each track in that pattern. Tucked away if you aren’t using it, like the others.
This way you could use it in a performance style mode. either live or in the studio to experiment and find musically interesting offsets for whatever you’re working on.
any news on this?
+1 for sure. We NEED for this machine <3