Incorrectly toggled mutes in song mode [FIXED]

In song mode: if you add a pattern (pattern A) with mutes followed by another pattern (pattern B) with no mutes, when you unmute the programmed mutes of pattern A they are toggled back to muted when advancing to pattern B

Steps to reproduce
Start with an empty pattern/project
Add mutes to A1 and A2
Add pattern to song (pattern A)
Remove mutes from A1 and A2
Add pattern to song (pattern B)
Go to song mode
Press play
Observe A1 and A2 are muted
Unmute A2 before the end of the pattern A
Song advances to pattern B
Observe that A1 is correctly unmuted and A2 is incorrectly muted

20230408 firmware

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Can you please post a screen shot of your song?

Sure! The only thing not visible is the ‘STOP’ step

I am getting the same bug here. 20230408 firmware, and when I add a pattern to the song the mute states are not preserved. Similarly, when I start the song, the mute states are incorrect and don’t reflect what I inputed.