How many of us are waiting the next firmware to make beats again?

Aaaaand those changes & UNDO function are a BIG game-changers! HYPE is real. Working without undo in 2021 is too much frustrating. And yeah I know, we are living in luxury times now, in ya old days there was no undo, less sample time, disks etc. Pre-Monty Python: We Were So Poor - YouTube

I’m waiting for it too.


I wouldn’t say I’m waiting on the update to make beats but after the announcement of being able to track stuff out via USB I went and sold my 8 I/O interface and then about a week later someone hit me up for 6 of my beats on my IG. Now I’m waiting for the update to track the beats out to send to them so they can get recording.


Talking about that is there an audible difference between USB out and analog outs? or is it just something subtle? I suppose beta testers did their own A/B tests to make their own opinions.
And what about limitations? No analog filter I guess then? What about “volume”? Is there a kind of digital boost option or is it as weak as the analog outputs?
I might use USB out if there are advantages but at this moment it is wait and see for me.

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To me it’s audible and a great way to add some crispy to yer tracks.


Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile: Do you know what’s the arrow on the top right of the screen? I think I saw that in Brad’s latest video on Facebook.

I feel as SAP does, the audio over USB sounds really good, maybe a slight bump in the upper mids (but without a spectrum analyzer I can’t confirm it) The arrow is an undo feature.


Thanks. I suppose you don t have the right to talk too much about new features and enhancement but is it just a visual indicator or something you can naviguate to, highlight and press on the screen? If there was REDO and an arrow in the exact opposite direction it could be very useful as an indicator.

Something else that has bothered me from day one. The impossibility to “navigate” (go to previous and next bars with the <<< >>> keys. As additional MiDi functions are being added I m wondering if something has been improved concerning this.

I understand if you can t talk about it. No problem. Looking forward to seeing the list of enhancements that are not teased :smiley:

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Nothing is formalized yet. Let’s just say there are enough changes, since the last update, to the overall work flow that there are several different ways to achieve similar things depending on what mode you are working in (sampling, midi, sequencing, fader/knob lock, copy etc) I’ll leave it at that. This is really the biggest update since the initial release imo.


I definitely am not waiting to make beats - I havent even been waiting to record my stems using audio over USB but I am excited for that. I actually made two songs using just 3 stems kick, rest of drums and sample and it sounds pretty good honestly using just that. Threw a compressor and some EQ on it and it doesnt sound half bad if the mix is pretty good in the box.


I can see that your status [Beta Tester] and I was a bit curious about this midi loop feature which Brad was showing on Instagram.

Is it possible to make a midi loop with a Synthesizer on S2400 and afterward jump into the normal audio looper, start the midi looper followed by initiating audio looping? [Bouncing/track the midi-track into an audio-loop-track from the synthesizer into S2400]

I m wondering if the input monitor can be managed easily. When watching the video I had the impression that it sounded weird when playing but fine when looping after recording. Maybe it is just the speaker of my crappy smartphone. Anyway it is the problem when commenting video of beta stuff. We don’t know what we will get in the end. Let’s create feature requests topics when it’s available for everyone :slight_smile:

Yeah there was some bugs in evidence on the video. They’ll be squashed before official release :slight_smile:


This is a pretty good approach, on the same note I think I’m gonna sit here and wait for Ableton Live 12 to kick in before making anything. :joy: