Headphones output and other problems

Hi all!

I started using the s2400 as an audio interface. + Write tracks via USB to Ableton.

I noticed the following problems:

  1. In audio interface mode, the headphone output does not work; more precisely, at the maximum volume of the headphone output, the signal is almost inaudible. Does everyone have this problem?

  2. If I turn on MIDI synchronization (I do it this way: I turn on the USB B midi clock and select channel 1 and the USB B control port in the control settings), then when I press the record button, the tempo values ​​on the s2400 screen begin to change chaotically. This still hasn’t been fixed since 2021?

  3. I never paid attention because I used 250 ohm headphones, but if you connect 32 ohm headphones, noise appears at 50% and above. This is fine?

I read the forum and the manual, but did not find exact answers to these questions, only mentions that bpm values ​​can fluctuate.