Envelope page behaviour

@Onosendai it is called HIFI because the OG env of the AR has the 8 bit reduction in its release - this one not having that old school method that can play badly with some types of file is HIFI in comparison , hope that helps :slight_smile:

ftr i like the way the AR env destroys certain files - glad it exists - dirty

i would love env options on the 2400 like many, adr, adsr, ‘normal’ envelopes that don’t make you check yourself constantly would be a nice addition too - maybe one day, until then it’s all good

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I thought I was crazy but every time I try to use this feature it wigs out.

Adjust the attack, ok looks good, adjust the release, what the fuck it moved the attack?, adjust attack again, ok its fine now, adjust the release and pray to the gods that it all just stays because this is getting ridiculous…Whew, move on to the next one.

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Yeah I stay away from the envelopes as much as possible for this reason. The behaviour is too jerky, especially with the data wheel. It took me like 20 minutes just to add a bit of attack and release once, and stayed away as much as poss since.

Also not a fan of % based instead of time based. If you have 2 sounds, one long, one short, and you want the same attack, for example… good luck.

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with any sampler but particularly drum samplers the envelope is a crucial area, not sure why this is getting no attention at all from Isla

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Yeah this definitely isn’t the first time it’s been mentioned either. I remember having either started, or commented on a similar thread a while back. (My memory is absolutely abysmal heh)


Does anyone actually prefer this % based ENV to time-based? I don’t necessarily dislike time-based but the behaviour of the page where toggling one parameter over-writes the other settings is so weird.

I suspect (and I hope no one from the team gets bothered if they read this!) that some part of implementing time based envelopes was either proving difficult or impossible given the architecture of the OS at the time. Maybe they tried it and were just getting error after error when an envelope was still open but a sample had stopped playing?