I was working on a beat and noticed that when I add had four plugins going at once (not all on the same bus), I started hearing some noise. When I added a fifth, it start a horrible amount of scratchy noise. I tried different combinations of plugins to see if anything seemed to be the culprit, but I nothing jumped out. Once I got down to three (any combination), everything sounded fine.
I decided to I see if this was project-specific, so I loaded up another one. This time I started hearing noise on the second plugin, with the third getting super noisy. I went back to the first project, and that behaved the same as before.
I have my audio coming out of the eight individual jacks, and each one has noise when soloed. The headphone jack also has the noise, and lowering the volumes in the DSP Mixer didn’t have any effect.
Has anyone else experienced this?
EDIT: I struggled getting the short ribbon cable off during installation, though I got everything seated properly. Could I have damaged it and caused this issue?