Does the DSP card disable filters on the main outs?

Before I install my new DSP card, may I ask whether this disables filters (the hardware ones) on the main outputs? And if so, will there be a fix? This issue popped up in the “Dsp, dsp, dsp!” thread (Dsp, dsp, dsp! - #220 by oldmanchompski) and I’d like to know before doing the upgrade. Thanks!

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It definitely does. I know you linked to my post but yeah. I think it’s because the DSP card is taking over the physical outputs and it’s changed the way the unit works.

But the two things are that the physical decoupling of the outputs no longer works. So if you plug audio cables into inputs 7/8 or 5/6 or whatever, previously they were decoupled from the main outs and you could no longer hear them. I’m hoping this gets addressed within the Digital Mixer of the DSP.

The other thing is that the analog filters are no longer heard on the Main outs either. Tbh this isn’t as big of an issue for me personally as there is a filter on the DSP card that has an envelope follower and it’s more tweakable than the dynamic analog filter, and the other filters were too dark for my tastes anyways.

But it was functionality that worked on the machine previously and it’s a bummer that it’s changed.

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That’s a real pity. I bought the DSP card so it would allow me to pre-mix everything internally with effects and filters routed to the main outputs. Now it seems I will have to purchase an additional external mixer. :frowning:

It does still work like basically a sub mixer you just lose the analog filters.

To me it isn’t a huge deal because there are more useful DSP filters on the card with more adjustable envelope followers but yeah, it’s a bummer that it changed existing functionality so much.


No, it does not disable the analog filters. They are still there between the DSP output and the jacks.


Just to make sure: The filters are also still present in the main outs? Because according to oldmanchompski they’re not - then it’s maybe just some wiring issue?

Ah, no. Not on the main outs. The main outs are now generated in the DSP card, not an analog sum of the individual outs. Sorry I misread the initial question.


Thanks for clarifying! That’s something to keep in mind for those considering the DSP upgrade. Probably not a big issue for most users. Unfortunately a bit of a tradeoff for me, as I will then have to use an additional external mixer.

But on the plus side, we get Soundfonts :slight_smile:

right now because of another bug, with the DSP you have to choose: main outputs without the channel filters but sends/returns, or individual outs with filters but no sends/returns (only) coming from the master, which double the sends unless you use pre-fader sends, which are useful in limited situations

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Sounds like there’s still quite some issues to be ironed out. The loss of Main-out Filters is probably by hardware design choice, but hopefully other issues with the coordination of individual outs vs. main outs will be resolved.