Crusty Breaks

Here are some goodies for you. The folder contains 65 drum loops sampled from my crates. A few years ago I had created a DAW project where I loaded each break, did a bit of manual timing correction, and then sampled them at their root tempo to my Akai S900. The intention behind the timing correction was so that they would sound nice and tight with a drum machine. So I reopened the DAW file and sampled them each in to the S2400 at 26KHz mono. I also used a uniform sample naming convention of 11 characters, and the last three characters display the root tempo of the sample. So you can always see the root tempo when a sound is loaded. Also, because of the timing correction you can load a break, set to the root tempo, and the go to Loop/Slice-Multi mode and play the 8 pads on the 8th notes and it will play back the break without any slice artifacts. Very handy for doing easy change-ups with the drums.



Thanks Bob, much appreciated, a lot of work there.
Good luck.

1 Like

Very nice. Great breaks. Well done thank you!

Thanks for sharing!

Excellent stuff. Thank you!

dude thank you very much fr sharing.


Thanks for this and thanks for sending me that Blackbyrd drum loop!

Thanks for sharing

Thank you much for doing this! Cheers! :four_leaf_clover:

Hi all, I just wanted to let everyone know that I updated this folder and it now contains 100 breaks in total. I realized that I left out a few classics, so I wanted to beef it up a bit. All of the original 65 are in this file, plus 35 new ones. You can just download and replace the folder in your directory and it should be good to go.


That is awesome man ! I cant wait to get my machine to try those. From S900, thats some extra spice that cant be denied. Awesome work mate !

This is my favorite download on here.