attached is link to the beast system google drive, viewable by all
record patt:
record note repeats
patt swing at 56% on 8ths on video but does not matter, same result happens regardless as i just checked after doing video
then pitch down file and record live hits
sends machine wonky, goes to pre-record count in mode where only metronome is heard for count in period
Okay, I managed to reproduce with a simple set of steps:
Firmware 2021-08-12
power on
assign a sample to pad 1
record a hit on beats 1, 2, 3 & 4 (don’t stop recording)
change the pitch by any amount
keep recording hits with the click
Before too long, the samples stop triggering and the metronome only (if it’s on) plays until the end of the pattern. Sample playback starts up again when the pattern returns to beat 1 as per @j.m’s video.
I didn’t try many settings but it reproduced with 8th note and 16th note swing at 50% as well as the 56% 8th notes in @j.m’s video.
Metronome on/off doesn’t seem to make a difference. Ditto samples from SD vs internal.
Not sure where everyone is based but just an FYI today (Monday) is an American holiday and a lot of people take either last week or this week off as the last vacation of summer.
@j.m the good and bad news is that I cant reproduce yer issue. I recorded 16th hi hats with note repeat. Stopped playback and pitched it down 5 semitones. Went into live record and recorded upbeat 8ths against that pattern. No problems.