Abelton and S2400

New to MIDI syncing Abelton 11 and S2400. Any suggestions with connecting the two together?

Do you have a MIDI interface? Send the S2400 clocks.

It’s very easy. Clock it via USB. Make sure Ableton is sending clock out to the S2400 in the sync settings and S2400 drop down selections and then turn off receiving clock from the S2400.

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timing with usb is pretty reasonable on the S2400 and Ableton for me - but if you are finding drifting is happening (my Push 3 SA is actually quite terrible on the otherhand atm), you can also look into devices like USAMO or using a audio interface with DC coupled outputs to send clock via CV. These are best options to reduce jitter. But tbh i find if you mulitrack out all 8 outputs at once, and then just align the start points simultaneously once recorded in ableton, its pretty quick. i would even go so far as saying you dont even need to sync. quite often i just press play in time with the metronome to record my S2400.

i guess it depends on what stage you are using the S2400. if you are record midi clips with VSTs into the S2400 then you need your sync to be reasonable - but then again, S2400 allows you to also trim the start points really easily.

also driving other gear with S2400 as the master is super tight. so if you can get a good sync with Ableton, i recommend syncing all your other gear to the S2400 clock and then syncing the S2400 to Ableton.

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