Brad. I looked at all those dsp cards and then pretended that each was a computer logging in at the same time to convert 100 sfonts. Then i added a few internet down, bad weather to the equation and maybe some noncustomers discover that your site is a good way to check out internet archives soundfonts and it becomes popular. And I went hmmm.
I have a very early shruthi that needed the website to change/download presets. This is a big scale up.
You need to think about how this could be an editor users download and install on the users computer. Hell we would pay 50-75 a head to have it for our s2400. And occasional updates. Recover some costs, save a shitload of server hassle, etc.
Anyway my thoughts on what is great work.
All the best. Loving the s2400. Lorne in Cana(not 4 sale)da.