[RESOLVED] Main mix audio is lost after entering sample mode

(This seems similar to this issue, only mine is not intermittent. Once I loose the audio, it won’t come back until I restart.)

I’ve noticed an issue where I can’t hear the mix out after entering and leaving the sample mode. Furthermore, I can’t hear the sample monitoring when I’m in sample mode. It’s as if the moment I enter sample mode, I loose the mix out.

Steps I use to consistently reproduce:

  • Turn on machine and hit start. Everything is normal and my pattern plays via main out just fine.
  • Turn on input monitoring and play an additional instrument into analog inputs 3&4. I can hear this instrument playing alongside the pattern in the main mix.
  • Enter sample mode. The S2400 goes quiet. I can see the input levels flashing on the pads, but I hear neither the monitored input nor my pattern.
  • Exit sample mode. My pattern has stopped. (Maybe stopping the pattering when entering sample mode is by design, not sure.)
  • Start the pattern again. This time, no audio is coming out of the mix.
  • Turn off the machine.
  • Turn on machine and hit start. Everything is normal and my pattern plays via main out just fine.

I think this is a bug. Unless I’m doing something stupid, which would be typical.

Thanks for looking.

Do you have audio over headphones when this happens? I have found that whatever audio dropout issues have occurred, sound is still present in the headphones when it suddenly disappears from mix outs or individual outs.

Have you tried going back forth from sample mode to base mode several times? I have found this eventually ‘reinitialises’ the audio or whatever. But can then just as easily be lost again the next time you change modes.

I haven’t tried any of the latest firmware updates yet to see if any of this has changed for me due to waiting for my card to arrive.

I do have have audio in headphones.

After reading your post, I did try to cycle between mixing and sampling modes. They main mix audio never came back after about 20 cycles.

I am on the latest firmware: Feb-11-2025

Latest firmware is Feb 21st.

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Wow— firmwares are coming in hot. You are right.

I updated to Feb 21 2025, and everything works! Nice.

Nice! Yeah I wouldn’t be shocked if there was another one later today :smile: