Option to keep the renamed pattern name when copying patterns

Could be useful.

As a concrete example to explain the reason of this request:

I started my projects with 5 patterns.
Listening to it 1 week after I decided it is not good and created another 6 patterns.
These 6 patterns are OK so I renamed them like intro, verse 1, verse 2, chorus 1 and so on for example.
These 6 patterns are not in the final order as well.
I deleted the original 5 patterns.
I copied and reorganized the new 6 patterns to have them in a easy to use order. → intro, 1,2,3 and si on.

Two minors issues when doing this. After copy it doesn’t go automatically to the copied pattern. After copy pattern names are lost so they need to be renamed again.

By the way the above could be solved by a “reorganize” or “move” or “change pattern displayed order” function for which I wrote a feature request topic the other day :slight_smile: