When going to the “load project” screen and pressing enter. Could it go to the last project that was selected, please.
It was like this before previous update.
Can we have this feature back please?
Thank you kindly
When going to the “load project” screen and pressing enter. Could it go to the last project that was selected, please.
It was like this before previous update.
Can we have this feature back please?
Thank you kindly
Is there any news on this? I find it also quite annoying to scroll all the way again after loading a project…
To this day, to this day!! This bugs me.
Used to be so good when one went to select a new project the cursor sat on the previously loaded one.
Please, please bring this back?
+1, its these on of these little things which can make a big difference!
@Mickey @bradholland
Sorry to be a pain. I know you are really busy, but have to ask any news on this?
This is fixed in the next release.
But not because you tagged me!
Thank you kindly.