Hi all. My request is about to “harmonize” the way to recall the different track types. Let me explain:
What I see now are 3 type of tracks:
- sample
- loop
- midi
So what I suggest is to implement this workflow:
- SHIFT + PAD to go to the track menu (as it is now) and there have one option to change the track type.
This will have some advantages:
BANK+PAD will provide 8 BANKS of whatever track types. Actually, Banks ABCD are for audio and EFGH are solely for MIDI. Moreover, Banks C and D can become loop track banks (If shift+4 are pressed). With my proposal this will not be necessary as each track can be any type.
Increased User customization.
My proposal would open the door to new track types.
I hope it makes sense. Thank you for your time.