Implement Track Types

Hi all. My request is about to “harmonize” the way to recall the different track types. Let me explain:

What I see now are 3 type of tracks:

  • sample
  • loop
  • midi

So what I suggest is to implement this workflow:

  • SHIFT + PAD to go to the track menu (as it is now) and there have one option to change the track type.

This will have some advantages:

  • BANK+PAD will provide 8 BANKS of whatever track types. Actually, Banks ABCD are for audio and EFGH are solely for MIDI. Moreover, Banks C and D can become loop track banks (If shift+4 are pressed). With my proposal this will not be necessary as each track can be any type.

  • Increased User customization.

  • My proposal would open the door to new track types.

I hope it makes sense. Thank you for your time.


It does make sense, and it’s something I’ve suggested in the past.
It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but It’s probably a big task to pull off, hence why it hasn’t been implemented.

It makes sense from the point of view (especially if in some kind of live performance) to have all the tracks be they loops, samples, or MIDI at your fingertips and in one place without having to move around banks to get at them.

It’s a +1 from me, but we have a lot of tasks on the table from me.


Thanks for your feedback, Brad. Appreciated.