Fake Isla Instruments Merch

Hi I’m embarrassed to report that there is a person on FB that is selling fake isla instruments shirts. The site looks legit however as was pointed out to me- I should have purchased from IslaInstruments.com. I was not paying attention and was excited i had a little extra to support Brad and company. Do not be tricked as i have. I had to login my isla account to check my purchase orders just to make sure. I have attached a picture of the culprit and have notified FB. There is at least 6-8 others that have bought as well. The site has alot of options too so i thought none the less. So please don’t think I’m the only one who trusted this link. It has a picture of Brad and everything.


It has ‘scam’ written all over it - I’m surprised a T-shirt turned up at all!


Yep the shirt did come in and i was non the wiser until i posted it on IG and FB. Once i get the real one in I’ll have to compare it to see. I’m assuming the difference is the build…but yeah i wanted people to know. Cause these FB forum customers don’t seem to know to go to the real website. And the shirts are the same price.

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Thanks for pointing this out mate. These con-men post on all the music FB groups like the ones for Nord Drum and Akai MPC and Elektron… I’m honestly amazed anything turned up. Don’t imagine there’s as much of a market for Nord shirts as Isla or Akai but who knows, it must be profitable for them. It’s like the dodgy fake merch guys who hang out at the end of gigs in the street and in the underground. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can clearly see so many things wrong in that picture, I would never trust it.

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New tees incoming!
