Black sides for the S2400?

Anyone gotten the black wooden sides from Curry Cases on their machines? Or just customize their existing sides black? Or even make their own black sides?

Kind of want to get one, but I also haven’t found any good pictures of machines with black sides at all, even less so than the wood ones. If anyone’s got black sides on their machine, post em bc I’d like to see how they look! Thanks


I ordered them and the dust cover - they should be arriving in the next week or so. Happy to post them when I get them.

If anyone has them now- I too would love to see them!

just got mines in -

lower light then some light bouncing off them. they are BEAUTIFUL in person.

i liked the silver metal sides, darker and wood fits better with the rest of my gear near it though. and i usually don’t dig on red, but Curry Cases Human nailed it with the red screw holes complementing the red print on the S2400.


I want to wait until the official black metal sides become available but I am tempted to just make my own like some people have done already. The last I heard from @roborr in October was “We are still trying to source a supplier for the black sides as the prices we have been quoted are frankly scandalous so its TBC on those at this point, sorry. We will announce once they are available though of course.”


When will the black side panels from isla be available? i want them so bad!

I have kinda been thinking of getting the official black sides when they drop. Not entirely sure though, I’ll see as more pictures come out when they get released.

AFAIK nothing is happening with these currently. The company Brad was sourcing were really wanting way too much money to make them. I don’t know if these will be revisited in the future.

I bought the wood sides from curry cases which are okay but i always wanted some metal sides in black since i saw a pic of the s2400 with them attached… so now i am thinking about giving the original silver sides to someone who can „paint“ them black in a professional way. any suggestions?

I’ve had a similar thought. I think just looking for a place that does powder coating in your area and getting a quote for your sides is probably the best least expensive route.

I bought a roll of carbon fiber vinyl on amazom. Looks good :+1:

powder coating was exactly what i was looking for. i will def do that… thanks